Editing a Shipping Method

A “shipping method” represents a delivery method by the carrier. For example, UPS “next day air” is a shipping method. You are able to assign a carrier shipping method to a carrier in IntelliTrack via the Manage Carrier and Shipping Methods page. A shipping method is added to a carrier and consists of a name and a description. You are able to add multiple shipping methods to each carrier.

To make changes to a shipping method at the Manage Carriers and Shipping Methods page refer to the steps that follow.

  1. Select Manage > Carriers. The Manage Carriers and Shipping Methods page appears.
  2. The shipping methods are tied to the carrier, hence, to change a shipping method, first select the carrier.
    1. Click the Expand icon Expand icon found to the left of the carrier entry.
    2. The Methods nested grid is displayed for this carrier.

    Manage Carriers and Shipping Methods page - Showing Methods Nested Grid

  3. To edit a shipping method, select the Edit icon found to the far right of the method that you are editing.Edit icon
  4. The shipping method opens in Edit mode. You may edit the name and description fields.

Manage Carriers and Shipping Methods page

  1. Make any changes to the name and/or description, in the respective fields.

Manage Carriers and Shipping Methods page - Showing Edited Shipping Method

  1. Click the Save icon Save icon to save the changes. The method closes; you are returned to the Methods nested grid. The method is updated. (To cancel the changes, select the Cancel icon to close the method and cancel the change.)

Methods Nested Grid - Shipping Method Edited